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Friday, January 23, 2015

Interview With an Alien at the Office of the DNI

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The office of the DNI stands for Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The Director is the Presidents right hand man when it comes to National Intelligence.

In this video you see a real alien about to be interviewed by the Office of the DNI. The man who is talking with his voice scrambled is the man who smuggled the video out of the office and did a good job of keeping his identity secret. The alien was supposed to relay some information telepathically about why the aliens were visiting the Earth in the movie, but unfortunately ended up having a respiratory attack and had to be treated by the medical team.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Are Aliens Watching Old TV Shows?

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Television transmissions expand outward from the Earth at the speed of light, and there's a trope in science fiction that aliens have learned everything about humans by watching our television shows. If you're 4 light-years away, you're see the light from the Earth as it looked 4 years ago, and some of that light includes television transmissions, as radio waves are just another form of electromagnetism – it's all just light.

Humans began serious television service in the 1930s, and by the modern era, there were thousands of powerful transmitters pumping out electromagnetic radiation for all to see. So are aliens watching "I Love Lucy" or footage from World War II and believing it all to be part of our "Historical Documents"?

The first radio broadcasts started in the early 1900s. At the time I'm recording this video, it's late 2014, so those transmissions have escaped into space 114 years ago. This means our transmissions have reached a sphere of stars with a radius of 114 light-years.

Are there other stars in that volume of space? Absolutely. It's estimated that there are more than 14,000 stars within 100 light years of Earth. Most of those are tiny red dwarf stars, but there would be hundreds of sunlike stars.

As we're discovering, almost all of those stars will have planets, many of which will be Earthlike. It's almost certain some of those stars will have planets in the habitable zone, and could have evolved life forms, technology and television sets and were able to learn of the Stealth Haze and the Mak'Tar chant of strength.

Will the signals be powerful enough to stretch across the vast distances of space and reach another world so that many generations of aliens can hang their hopes that James Tiberius Kirk never visits their planet with his loose morals, questionably applied prime directive, irresistible charms and pants aflame with who knows what kinds of interstellar STIs?
Here's the problem. Broadcast towers transmit their signals outward in a sphere, which falls under the inverse square law. The strength of the signal decreases massively over distance. By the time you've gone a few light years, the signal is almost non-existent.
Aliens could build a huge receiver, like the square kilometer array being built right now, but the signals they could receive from Earth would be a billion billion billion times weaker. Very hard to pick out from the background radiation. And by Grabthar's hammer, I assure you it's only by focusing our transmissions and beaming them straight at another star do we stand a chance of alerting aliens of our presence. Which, like it or not, is something we've done. So there's that.

We've really been broadcasting our existence for hundreds of millions of years. The very presence of oxygen in the atmosphere of the Earth would tell any alien with a good enough telescope that there's life here. Aliens could tell when we invented fire, when we developed steam technology, and what kinds of cars we like to drive, just by looking at our atmosphere. So don't worry about our transmissions, the jig is up.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How much of the movie "Interstellar" is fiction, and how much is based in fact?

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Interstellar deals with such concepts as the science of black holes, relativity, and space travel, to be exact, which is why renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson has now weighed in on the film. However, as was also the case when Tyson offered his thoughts on the movie Gravity in 2013, he’s not focused on Interstellar‘s artistic merits as a work of storytelling but, rather, in the way that it treats scientific ideas (theoretical and proven concepts alike).

The Interstellar narrative follows a team of astronauts, led by the former NASA pilot Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) and scientist/astronaut Brand (Anne Hathaway), as they undertake a dangerous space mission in the hope of finding a new planet for humanity to survive on (now that Earth’s suffering an agricultural collapse). The team ends up traveling through a wormhole to another galaxy, where they visit alien planets where strong gravitational forces affect the passage of time, among other scientific phenomena.

A Fresh, Never Before Seen Impact Crater on Mars

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The surface of Mars is a well worn place in the Solar System, heavily pounded by countless meteor impacts. And some of these craters are hundreds of millions of years old. So it’s unusual for there to be a completely fresh impact on the surface of Mars: but that’s just what NASA scientists discovered looking through a recent batch of images returned from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

You’re looking at an image taken by the Mars Context Camera, an instrument on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. In an older photograph taken of the region in February 2012, there was just a bunch of old craters. And then, in the newer image, taken June 2014, this fresh scar on the surface of Mars is clearly visible.

The crater itself is circular, but the blast of ejecta indicates that the object came in from the West, and struck the surface of Mars, blasting out a curtain of pulverized rock that covered the nearby surface. The impactor would have vaporized into a fireball of superheated rock, like a nuclear bomb exploding on the surface of Mars, while the eject blanket was shot out to the side.

This isn’t the first time spacecraft have detected new craters on Mars. In fact, the largest new crater discovered was half the length of a football field. And so far, researchers have turned up more than 400 new craters on the surface of Mars.

The Mars Context Camera has completely imaged the entire surface of Mars at least once during its 7-year mission. And with multiple passes, planetary scientists are starting to build up a picture of how the dynamic the surface of Mars can really be.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Aliens exist on the moon - DOCUMENTARY

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A documentary about to be released on the SyFy channel entitled "Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed." The two-hour special is exposing the truth about aliens on the moon. SyFy has made the claim never-before-seen photos from NASA will be shown in this documentary, revealing installations, factories, saucers, hangers and huge satellite dishes on the moon. Astronauts and other experts will be in the film to comment, I think this is one show worth checking out.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Westall UFO 1966

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One of the greatest, and one of the most witnessed UFO sightings ever recorded, happened on April 6th, 1966 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia at around 11:00am in the afternoon at what was then Westall high school (now called Westall Secondary College).
The sighting had around 200 witnesses ranging from head masters to science teachers to regular students.

On the date in question things were as usual at Westall. Some children were playing sports out in the school yard as others were studying, and it was clear out. Then almost out of know where, what was described as a large, siverish colored, saucer shaped disk about the size of two or three cars, came hovering over the school and moved towards a wooded area and then proceeded to land.

The children at the school, of course were mesmerized as were the teachers on duty, so they jumped the fence towards the wooded area where the UFO had disappeared behind as the teachers told them to return.

According to one witness one of the girls made it over to where the UFO had landed while it was still there and was found unconscious and had to be taken away in an ambulance. According to the same witness she never returned to school after that day. Before most of the witnesses could reach where the UFO had landed it had rose up and took off at what they all said was incredible speeds. At which time the witnesses said they saw five other objects, most likely military planes chasing the object.

Where the greyish Saucer shaped UFO had landed the grass was flattened in a circle, although no one really knows if it completely landed and after the 20 minute ordeal it was gone.
The children where all told to go back to school and head to their respective classes while the police showed up. (And this is where it gets a little odd).

The police came and talked to a few of the adult witnesses and then the head master of the school called an unscheduled assembly to talk about what had happened and to tell the students that what they saw was not an extraterrestrial craft but something man made such as a weather balloon and told them not to repeat what they had seen that day to anyone.

At the same time the other teachers at the school reported that two men in dark blue suits had come and talked to them about what they saw. The they were also told not to talk about what they saw that day especially to the press. One of the teachers, who had grabbed her camera and snapped dozens of pictures of the saucer shaped object, said that when she was taken aside the men in suits they took her camera and said it was now their property. She also said that the men were from the ASIO (Austrialian Security Intelligence Organization).

A science teacher at the school Andrew Greenwood was later visited by officers at his home who threatened him to not say anything under the Official Secrets Act and if he did they would have him fired and discredit him by releasing rumors of him being an alcoholic which he wasn't.

The press from the event was minimal but The Dandenong Journal covered the story and interviewed as many people as would come forward which ended up as a front page story. They also looked into the witnesses accounts of airplanes chasing after the UFO but acourding to commercial and military records there were no planes in the area at the time even though well over a hundred people had seen them.