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Monday, January 5, 2015

UFO fireball releases orb over California - Video

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A spectacular UFO video, posted to YouTube on Jan. 5, shows a fireball burning through the skies over California as a glowing orb is released and hurtles in the opposite direction. The unidentified flying object may be just another meteor burning up in the atmosphere, but the strange orb-like object which is emitted seems to be under intelligent control. What is it?

In the video above, taken by a startled witness named Ken Roberts as he was driving in Southern California, the fireball can be seen streaking through the sky as it heads to the ground. That's when the unidentified flying object seems to eject a glowing, white orb, which takes off in the opposite direction. The strange behavior of the second object is leading to speculation that the UFO is ejecting an escape pod, possibly even containing crew members.

Of course, the logical explanation could be that the fireball is actually an airplane, or jet, in the death throes of a crash landing. But, so far, no news of an airplane crash, whether military or civilian, have been reported, leading some to conclude the aircraft, if that is what it is, may not be of Earth origin. The video, showing about 30 seconds of the fireball's descent, cuts off abruptly, with the final two minutes showing nothing but a black screen.

In the last few years, images of fireballs have become more common, mirroring the rise of personal video and citizen journalism, and caught most spectacularly by dozens of residents in and around Chelyabinsk, Russia, who filmed a meteor exploding in the atmosphere, mostly on dashboard mounted video cams, nearly two years ago. And, more recently, thousands of eyewitnesses saw a fireball hurtling over the East Coast, with a lucky few catching the drama on camera.

However, it seems this is the first time a video has captured what looks like an object hurtling away from the meteor and, improbably, in the opposite direction of the UFO's flight path. As Ken Roberts explains in the description of the video, the UFO "Couldn't have been a plane cause there was no noise. And I never heard a crash after either. The Orb thing flew straight up into the sky and disappeared."

What do you think? Watch the video above and please feel free to leave a comment below. Is this just another meteor which escaped the detection of sky watchers? Or is it a UFO ejecting an escape pod?

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