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Friday, January 2, 2015

X Canadian Defence Minister - “At Least 4 Known Alien Species Have Been Visiting Earth For Thousands Of Years”

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Paul Hellyer was Canadian minister of Defense in 1960s, ruling over the country's armed forces during the time of the Cold War.
On 3 June 1967, Hellyer flew in by helicopter to officially inaugurate an unidentified flying object landing pad in St. Paul, Alberta.
The town had built it as its Canadian Centennial celebration project, and as a symbol of keeping space free from human warfare.

In early September 2005, Hellyer made headlines by publicly announcing that he believed in the existence of UFOs. On 25 September 2005, he was an invited speaker at an exopolitics conference in Toronto, where he told the audience that he had seen a UFO one night with his late wife and some friends. He said that, although he had discounted the experience at the time, he had kept an open mind to it. He said that he started taking the issue much more seriously after watching ABC's Peter Jennings' UFO special in February 2005.

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